Unable to automate datagrid using the sdk 3.5 automation swcs that came with Flash Builder 4 release ??

7 04 2010


There is a known issue with the sdk 3.5 automation swcs which have come with the flash builder 4 release http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FLEXENT-1183 .This fix has been made and all you will need to do is download the 3.5 sdk automation swcs from here  and use them instead of the ones that come with the flash builder 4 release.

Flash Builder 4 has been released!!

7 04 2010

Finally Flash Builder 4 has been released and this is a very exciting era for Automation!In Flas Builder 4 we have provided support for AIR automation,automation of spark components as well as automation of marshalled applications!! So try it out!!