Enabling QTP log for QTP9.2,QTP9.5 and QTP10 when using flex automation

11 06 2010

In order to enable the QTP log you first need to check which version of QTP you have :

QTP 9.2:

1.  Go to the command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\bin directory and invoke MicLogSetttings.exe.

2.  Select LogCatPackTEA and LogCatPackTE and move it to “Selected Categories list.

3.  Change the level to MicLogLevelDebug2

4.  Give the folder path where you want the log to be stored.

5.  Click on Apply.

6.  Restart QTP.

QTP 9.5 and QTP 10:

1.  Go to the command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin directory and invoke ClientLogs.exe.

2.  Select QTP in the left dialog.

3.  Select LogCatPackTEA and LogCatPackTE and move it to the selected category.

4.  Change the Category level to Debug2 .

5.  Give the folder path where you want the log to be stored.

6.  Click on Apply.

7.  Restart QTP.



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